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Step 1: Download the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo files

First you should download the UserManagement demo files, there will be two zip files in the downloaded file UserManagement-1.0.zip packages.

  • The UserMangement-Database.zip is the hsqldb DB server file, unzip it. You can use the start-database.bat/sh command to run the userdb which UserManagement portlet will use.

  • The UserManagement.war is the Portlet application based on wwportlet MVC framework.

Step 2: Install the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo in JetSpeed

  • You should download the new jetspeed Portal server jetspeed-2.0-M3-Tomcat-5.0.30.zip from apache.

  • Suppose you unzip the download jetspeed server in C:/JetSpeed2.0, now there should be two directories in JetSpeed Server: C:/JetSpeed2.0/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30 & C:/JetSpeed2.0/jetspeed-database. The second directory is the JetSpeed database server, before you start jetspeed server, you should start database server first.
  • Copy the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo UserManagement.war to the directory C:/JetSpeed2.0/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30/webapps/jetspeed/WEB-INF/deploy, when start the jetspeed server, this portlet will be installed automatically.
  • Unzip the UserManagement-Database.zip file to C:/jetSpeed2.0/UserMangement-Database directory.

Step 3: Start & Config the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo in JetSpeed

  • Start JetSpeed Portal Database Server, run cmd: C:/JetSpeed2.0/jetspeed-database/start-database.bat
  • Start User Management Portlet Database Server, run cmd: C:/jetSpeed2.0/UserMangement-Database/start-database.bat
  • Start JetSpeed Server, run cmd: C:/JetSpeed2.0/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.30/bin/startup.bat
  • Login in JetSpeed Portal Server as admin user, and add the new installed UserManagement Portlet in one of your page.
  • Now you can test the new installed WebWork MVC Portlet Demo: UserManagement.
  • How to login in the User Management Demo Portlet?
  • You can use 'admin' to login as super user, password is 'admin'. Or other normal user 'test1, test2, test3....', the password is same as user name.

    Why I can not enter the administration page in User Management porlet, even I used the correct user name & password to login ?

    Answer: the main reason is that we put the loginUser object info in the PortletSession, but we can not retrieve the correct PortletSession object & loginUser from view (velocity) servletRequest in JetSpeed/Tomcat. (But in IBM WPSv5.1 do not have such problem). The detail you can refer to the velocity code in 'include/misc.vm'

    How to resovle it?

    We can modify the 'include/misc.vm' as below, and refresh the User Management Portlet in your browser.


    #set($loginUser1 = $req.getPortletSession().getAttribute("loginUser"))
    #set($loginUser2 = $req.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"))
    #if (${loginUser1.id.toString()} != "")
    #set ($loginUser = $loginUser1)
    #set ($loginUser = $loginUser2)
    #end <br>

    #set ($names = $req.getSession().getAttributeNames())
    #foreach ($name in $names)
    #end <br>

    ###set($loginUser = $req.getSession().getAttribute("javax.portlet.p.P-104c88b40f1-10001?loginUser")) #set($jbbUrlBeforeLogin = $req.getSession().getAttribute("jbbUrlBeforeLogin"))

    The Browser refresh result display as below:



    And we last modify the 'include/misc.vm' to support loginUser object retrieve.

    last modified 'include/misc.vm'

    #set($loginUser1 = $req.getPortletSession().getAttribute("loginUser"))
    #set($loginUser2 = $req.getSession().getAttribute("loginUser"))
    #if (${loginUser1.id.toString()} != "")
    #set ($loginUser = $loginUser1)
    #set ($loginUser = $loginUser2) #end

    ##set ($names = $req.getSession().getAttributeNames())
    ##foreach ($name in $names)
    ## $name<br>

    #set($loginUser = $req.getSession().getAttribute("javax.portlet.p.P-104cc6dcd18-10001?loginUser"))
    #set($jbbUrlBeforeLogin = $req.getSession().getAttribute("jbbUrlBeforeLogin"))

    Done, now we can login to the User management Administration Page!

Step 2: Install the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo in IBM WPS v5.1

  • Unzip the UserManagement-Database.zip file to the directory you like, suppose it is C:/UserMangement-Database
  • Because JetSpeed portlet.xml description is not strictly keep to JSR168 standard, here is the different part show as below:
  • JetSpeed portlet.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <portlet-app id="WebWorkPortlet" version="1.0.0">

    <portlet id="WebWorkPortlet">

    IBM WPS portlet.xml

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <portlet-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_1_0.xsd" version="1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_1_0.xsd http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/portlet/portlet-app_1_0.xsd" id="webworkportlet.WebWorkPortletPortlet.d0faa56020">


    For user testing convenience, we put the JetSpeed portlet.xml as default in the downloaded UserManagement.war.

    In order to install UserManagement.war into IBM WPSv5.1 Server, we must replace WEB-INF/portlet.xml content with portlet.xml.standard content in UserManagement.war

  • Start your IBM WPS v5.1, run cmd: C:/WebSphere/PortalServer/bin/startServer5.bat
  • Login WPS portal server as wpsadmin (the super user)
  • Enter into the Portal Management page: Administration --> Portlet Management --> Web Modules
  • In 'Web Modules' management page, use install button to install UserManagement.war WebWork MVC Portlet Demo.
  • Return to 'My Portal'

Step 3: Start & Config the WebWork MVC Portlet Demo in IBM WPS v5.1

  • Start User Management Database, run cmd: C:/UserMangement-Database/start-database.bat
  • In the WPS portal choose one page you like to install UserManagement Portlet, and press 'Edit Page' page link to enter this page's editor
  • Press the 'Add Portlets' button to choose the new installed Portlet: UserManagementPorlet to add.
  • After press 'Done' button, and return the original edited page, you will find UserManagementPortlet display its' content.

wwportlet 1.0 Released (2005-07-13)